Every day is a constant try to survive the day. Survive the negative thoughts about myself and think that I’m a good for nothing loser that can’t handle much in life. Survive the fact that I must handle very many things by myself, my negativity against myself, handle the fact that I don’t like to be alone and rather would want to live with my boyfriend but it’s not happening yet or visiting my family when I miss them more than ever. Be able to handle all my school work with flying colour which I’m not doing just yet. Caring to much about what people think of me rather than what I think of me and that is stressing me out. Not doing the things that I like to do because of me thinking, who told you that you can go to the gym, you have done nothing to derserve it. The constant survive of preventing me to kick myself down even further even if I’m already below ground. Yes this is a constant survive of my every day life, so if you think of me as the one of those who doesn’t seems to care much for one thing or not showing the same interest that you do it does not mean I don’t care. I do care but I also have to bear much more on my shoulders and for getting through the day I must choose what’s more important my own health or showing of all the knowledge that I know in just one day. Even though I can not say it outloud yet but I’m beginning to se myself in a new light, a person who goes through every day struggling to survive and making small changes and step by step going towards her goal, yes this girl is a superhero. Even if the changes aren’t big they still matters cause it shows she want’s things to change and that the changes will show of her own superpower eventually.
1 kommentarer
22 Aug 2017 07:20
Puss och kram 💚💚